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“Simplicity, patience, compassion.

These three are your greatest treasures.

 Simple in actions and thoughts, you return to the source of being.  Patient with both friends and enemies,you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,  you reconcile all beings in the world.” 

― Lao Tzu, Tao Te Ching



Current projects include studio work and socially engaged art projects.  The mission of all of our current work is tangible impact on issues affecting sustainability, health and wellness.

Support Socially Engaged Art

Studio Art and Social Practice


I enjoy the challenge of creating transformational experiences within spaces, through the presence of art and social interaction.  My installations have focused on meditative experiences using paintings, murals, collages, mono-prints, and mixed media sculpture; engaging a community of women in a visual and audio conversation that narrates the archetype of the blues woman; and inspiring pauses from the barrage of everyday activities in exchange for presence in the stillness of now, using forms, drawings and paintings inspired by nature.  


My interest in sustainability has led me to placing emphasis on how I live and work, and the effects that this has on the world around me. Socially engaged art allows me the latitude to create artwork and experiences that have a tangible positive impact on the global community, in light of the major issues that we are facing today. 


Social Networking and Community Building

Community building is the foundation for socially engaged art with tangible impact.  We are reaching out through this site and other social networking and face to face platforms to meet you where you are.

Copyright 2020 Gina Marie Lewis

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